Have you noticed that our old career portal has been updated to a whole new version? Have you ever used RICELink – Rice’s job and internship database? Unlike other job search websites, employers who post in RICELink are specifically looking for Rice students and alumni. So, you might be wondering: how can I make the most of the brand new RICELink: Powered by Handshake? In this blog, I will talk about what features RICELink includes and how to utilize this tool in order to help with job search and exploration.
First, let’s start with the basic features of RICELink: Powered by Handshake. We can use it to:
- Apply for jobs and internships
- Apply for on-campus interviewing positions
- Schedule appointments with career counselors
- RSVP for events (Expo, workshops, etc.)
Before getting into the details, you first need to create your own profile so that employers can see your background, qualifications, and interests. To set up your profile, you can upload resume, fill out your basic information, education, work experience, extracurricular, and skills (you can even sync your profile content with your LinkedIn account). You can also upload documents for future use: resume, cover letter, work samples, etc. These would be useful when you are applying for any position.
Are you ready to apply for a position? The jobs and internships that we can apply to include: Owl Edge Externships/Internships, other internships, full-time jobs, and part-time jobs. The process is straightforward: you just click on “Jobs” under “EXPLORE,” and then you can search for jobs you want with various filters/or jobs that you are qualified for. After selecting certain positions, you can click on “Apply”, choose the documents you want to use for the application, and then submit! Very simple, right? If the positions you are applying to contain on campus interview, your application to the job/internship position will be automatically considered for the interview.
Do you usually only use RICELink for applying to internships/jobs? If yes, there are actually so many more functions that you need to know! You can also make appointments with career counselors to:
- Discuss your choice of major/career
- Have your resume/cover letter critiqued
- Practice behavioral interviews
- Prepare for graduate or professional school
To see the types of appointments available, just click on “Appointments” under “PLAN,” browse for an appointment and schedule it with the counselor of your choice!
There are still a bunch of useful resources other than those above in this updated version of RICELink (Powered by Handshake). For example, you have access to FOCUS II, Optimal Resume, Vault, Glassdoor, and more from the “Resources” section under “OTHER”.
Now that you have understood the basics of RICELink: Powered by Handshake, aren’t you excited to try it out? If you have any questions about RICELink, ask a PCA in your college, or stop by the CCD during walk-in hours (12-1 every weekday at Huff House).
Luhan Ge is a Peer Career Advisor from Duncan College. She is a senior studying mechanical engineering and mathematical economic analysis.