Interviewing 101
Interviewing is like dating. You seek ‘em out but the prospect of an approaching one can be stressful. Here’s a how-to guide to make sure you get invited back out for more. What to Wear: Get on JT’s level and… Continue Reading
Interviewing is like dating. You seek ‘em out but the prospect of an approaching one can be stressful. Here’s a how-to guide to make sure you get invited back out for more. What to Wear: Get on JT’s level and… Continue Reading
You’re sitting outside of a door, dressed in your new snappy outfit and clutching a resume-stuffed padfolio in your hands. It’s interview season. We’ve all been, or are going to be there soon, and it’s a time for your A-game… Continue Reading
So… You’ve landed an interview. Now what? Going into a formal interview can be daunting and not preparing can hurt your chances of getting an offer for the position. Usually, companies and schools offer interviews after reading your application because… Continue Reading
In every bad interview there is a moment when you realize that you’ve royally messed everything up. I know that feeling well. Last semester, I interviewed for a writing consultation service. Everything was going super smoothly – I was giving… Continue Reading
On a campus full of acronyms (PAAs, CCL, RAs, RMC… the list goes on), sometimes it is hard to keep up with them all. One you definitely want to remember is PCA! Fantastic question, you unconventional thinker you. “PCA”… Continue Reading
Recruiters are already collecting resumes in RICElink: Powered by Handshake, so that means interview time is almost here! Have you started practicing? It’s never too early to start. What do I know about this topic? Not everything. However, I’ve conducted… Continue Reading
I was born and raised a proud Virginia girl. I lived in the same small, farming town until I went to college at the best university in the old dominion state- Virginia Tech. And that small college town, 4 hours… Continue Reading